So I was banished upstairs and in the next-door room there was Rosalind Franklin, this was in the... this was now... I'd come in the September 1953, this would have been early February or something, January or February 1954, March. And I didn't know she was at Birkbeck at all. She had, of course, left after her work on DNA at Kings; she'd left Kings and gone to Birkbeck. But now they'd given her a home, she had her own Turner and all fellowships so she... of course, I had my own Fellowship too and I had the Nuffield Foundation Fellowship.
[Q] You knew of her work?
No... no... I knew of her work on DNA because I read all the DNA papers. Yes. And I was in Cambridge when the double helix was unveiled. Yeah. And I met Jim Watson there, only briefly, socially, so... you can't say you met Jim Watson socially because he's so... he's asocial, but, he... he... And of course, I saw the model. So I'd read all the papers, and so I knew who Rosalind was but, you see, she never came to tea in the department; there was tea across the road in the main building, in the Faculty Club or in the Staff Room.
[Q] Yes.
And downstairs in the basement of Torrington Square where we all worked, where Bernal's Research Department was, she never came, so I didn't know she existed actually. So, of course, once I met her and she showed me her pictures of... of Tobacco Mosaic Virus, and... after that it's history, you see, so... And I was very lucky to do this, all these things happened by chance. I sometimes wonder what I would have done if I hadn't had all these chance meetings and...
[Q] Yeah.
But I hope I would have done something.