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My mother's nationality


How my father came to America
Murray Gell-Mann Scientist
Comments (2) Please sign in or register to add comments
Anthony Albert.C
Tuesday, 07 July 2020 08:11 PM
Gell-Mann is a bit of a man of mystery. According to New York Magazine article OCT. 28, 2002 Jeffrey...
Gell-Mann is a bit of a man of mystery. According to New York Magazine article OCT. 28, 2002 Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery By Landon Thomas Jr. ...”a custom-built 51,000-square-foot castle in Santa Fe. Said to be the largest house in the state, the latter sits atop a hill on a 45,000-acre ranch. He had it built because of the month or so he found himself spending there, talking elementary particle physics with his friend Murray Gell-Mann, a Nobel Prize–winning physicist and co-chair of the science board at the Santa Fe Institute.“. A substantial commitment , begs to wonder what projects might have been going on .. it has been mentioned this ranch was to be a breeding farm with multiple woman serving as surrogates for IVF Epstein’s? Clones? Sante Fe institute is very a interesting private research group.
Anthony Albert.C
Tuesday, 07 July 2020 08:11 PM
Gell-Mann is a bit of a man of mystery. According to New York Magazine article OCT. 28, 2002 Jeffrey...
Gell-Mann is a bit of a man of mystery. According to New York Magazine article OCT. 28, 2002 Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery By Landon Thomas Jr. ...”a custom-built 51,000-square-foot castle in Santa Fe. Said to be the largest house in the state, the latter sits atop a hill on a 45,000-acre ranch. He had it built because of the month or so he found himself spending there, talking elementary particle physics with his friend Murray Gell-Mann, a Nobel Prize–winning physicist and co-chair of the science board at the Santa Fe Institute.“. A substantial commitment , begs to wonder what projects might have been going on .. it has been mentioned this ranch was to be a breeding farm with multiple woman serving as surrogates for IVF Epstein’s? Clones? Sante Fe institute is very a interesting private research group.