a story lives forever
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About Web of Stories
Web of Stories offers you the chance to listen to some of the greatest people of our time telling their life stories.
Web of Stories began as an archive of life stories told by some of the great scientists of our time. As the number of stories grew, it became obvious that some were on related topics and a web was slowly being created of connected stories. After a while we also invited famous people outside the field of science to tell their life stories.

Our aim has been to provide an archive of stories from people who have influenced our world. Imagine, in a hundred years' time, future generations being able to watch people like Stan Lee, Doris Lessing or James Watson telling stories about their lives and their achievements.
The following speakers can be found on our YouTube channel
Ben Barres (Scientist) Mike Bayon (WWII veteran) Susan Blackmore (Scientist) Ronald Blythe (Writer) Robert Christy (Scientist) Thomas Eisner (Scientist) Russell Fernald (Scientist) Eleanor Helin (Astronomer) Alice Hertz-Sommer (Pianist) Bernard Hopkins (Boxer) Brendan Ingle (Boxer) Clifton Mitchell (Boxer) Johnny Nelson (Boxer) Norman Routlege (Teacher) Gitta Sereny (Writer) EO Wilson (Scientist)