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Press office

The press office serves as the main liaison between the news media and Web of Stories.

The office produces press releases, manages social media on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube sites, and collates all the news coverage concerning Web of Stories and its speakers. The press office will also direct media inquiries, where relevant, to the Web of Stories team.

For press information on Web of Stories, contact:

Email: press@webofstories.com
Tel: +44 (0)20 7323 0323
Fax: +44 (0)20 7022 1664
Press release archive
19 November 2014

Web of Stories is delighted to announce the availability of a unique series of videos of Desmond Morris talking candidly about his life and career from childhood to the present day. The recordings, which were made in June 2014, are free to view on the Web of Stories website (www.webofstories.com).

22 September 2014

As novelist, Oscar-winning screenwriter, biographer, short-story writer and critic Frederic Raphael celebrates his 83rd birthday, Web of Stories is proud to release over 100 insightful recordings recounting his life and work

28 April 2014

We all have moments when we look for inspiration, and who knows when these moments will strike?