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Army training and getting an ulcer


Getting drafted
Eugene Garfield Scientist
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When I went to school in Colorado but I only lasted 6 months. It was during the war and I decided to leave school which upset a lot of people. I went out to San Francisco and I got a job working in the shipyards, as a welder. I was trained as a welder and, and I lived alone in San Francisco. I had a, I rented a very small apartment and while I was out there... I had met my first wife in Colorado but had left. She was a physics major and I eventually got a degree from Boulder and, and then moved out to California later. But I then came back to... after working in the shipyards it was... the war was on and I knew that eventually I would be drafted, so I, I don’t know why I decided I wanted to be in New York when it happened, and, but a friend of mine, Richard Aspinwall who just, just died, actually, just about a year ago, had joined the Merckhant Marine and that was... my plan was to join, go to the Merckhant Marine Academy with him. So, when I came back to New York I immediately got a card from the Draft Board, so instead of just ignoring the card, which I was told I could easily have done nobody would’ve bothered, I’d just gone to the Merckhant Marine Academy when they accepted me, I just showed up to the Draft Board and the next thing I knew I was out at Camp Upton. I was drafted, okay. But, I had been staying at... my, my mother was living in the Bronx and so I got drafted from that address, I guess, Gunhill Road in the Bronx. Now, after I, I went into the army, having lived in Colorado and now Faye was there, when I got drafted... I was telling the story... my... because I was just down near Camp Blanding is where I went for basic training, just outside of Jacksonville. And, they, they asked... when you, when you were basic training, when you leave they ask if you want to join a, a regular, paratroopers or mountains troops, I signed up for the mountain troops. They took me because Faye was in Colorado. If we were to get out in Colorado I’d be able to see her. So, that’s what happened. I... showed up at the Camp Hale in Colorado after basic training. But, the other, other story that I had to tell them was while was at, while I was at Camp Blanding, my mother used to send these packages of food, and I had a top sergeant who loved her stuff, and he said to me, you can become a company clerk, you won’t have to go... on combat and so forth, why don’t just take this, because he found out I could type, you know, that, that same old thing with the typing. And, I said, no, I volunteered for the Ski Troops and that’s how I, I went there.

Eugene Garfield (1925-2017) was an American scientist and publisher. In 1960 Garfield set up the Institute for Scientific Information which produced, among many other things, the Science Citation Index and fulfilled his dream of a multidisciplinary citation index. The impact of this is incalculable: without Garfield’s pioneering work, the field of scientometrics would have a very different landscape, and the study of scholarly communication would be considerably poorer.

Listeners: Henry Small

Henry Small is currently serving part-time as a research scientist at Thomson Reuters. He was formerly the director of research services and chief scientist. He received a joint PhD in chemistry and the history of science from the University of Wisconsin. He began his career as a historian of science at the American Institute of Physics' Center for History and Philosophy of Physics where he served as interim director until joining ISI (now Thomson Reuters) in 1972. He has published over 100 papers and book chapters on topics in citation analysis and the mapping of science. Dr Small is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, an Honorary Fellow of the National Federation of Abstracting and Information Services, and past president of the International Society for Scientometrics and Infometrics. His current research interests include the use of co-citation contexts to understand the nature of inter-disciplinary versus intra-disciplinary science as revealed by science mapping.

Duration: 3 minutes, 43 seconds

Date story recorded: September 2007

Date story went live: 23 June 2009