I was married while in my last part of my hospital training. I didn't even think of getting married prior to that because the time that I spent was... would have been unfair, I think to... I think unwise to get married. But I had met Jean; she worked at Bellevue, in a laboratory there, in a research lab, and we met and we had sort of a Bellevue romance, you know, I’d take her out to dinner at the... at the hospital cafeteria. She was sort of shocked to learn later on that during my internship and residency, I actually saved money, you know. The thought was I should have spent more of it on her, probably true. But I was a... a Depression baby. So, but then we... we both thought we’d... I wanted to do more, I pretty much knew by that time that I wanted to do research, clinical research, I... I think was always the... once you've had that experience of medicine, the possibilities of application are so much in your mind, you know. So I went to... we decided we'd do laboratory research. Well, I did some research the last year or so of my hospital training and I worked with Dr Karl Meyer who was... who was a pioneer in... in the study of long-chain polysaccharides actually, and he... he did much of the early work on hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate - I think he named that - and he was a brilliant chemist, and also I did clinical work in arthritis with Charles Ragan who was a Professor of Medicine at Columbia. And then I wanted to continue the work on the hyaluronic acid and one of the great experts in the field that was pretty limited, there weren't a lot of people working in it, was Alexander Ogston, Sandy Ogston, who was at Oxford in the Department of Biochemistry. Well, that kind of suited our plans. We thought after our first year of marriage in New York, which was fun, you know, we used to walk, go all over the city; it was an exciting place in those days, still is, and... so I wrote to him and he invited me to come to his lab. But when we got there, he suggested, you know, while I was there I should go towards a degree, the equivalent of a PhD degree, a DPhil, so I kind of reoriented the research to make it that kind of an academic exercise. And I worked on hyaluronic acid. Now that was the exact opposite you might say of... of this kind of fieldwork that I’d... that I had enjoyed so much.