So what will happen? Well, I don't know. Nobody knows. But either our children and our few coming generations will somehow, through their reason, acquire the necessary wisdom, in which case they may... they may prevent major disasters to occur... from occurring, or they won't because it's not in their genes, and they can't learn it rapidly enough. And then natural selection will take care of them; that is, the consequences of some of our misguided actions will be so dramatic that natural selection will intervene and save whatever has to be saved at that time. And I don't like to end on a pessimistic note, but as I am speaking right now, a major disaster is again menacing New Orleans and Houston, Texas. It's a week after... after Katrina. Now winter comes and it's going to... and maybe we don't know, but there is some evidence that all these increasingly devastating hurricanes maybe linked to some extent with the climate change, and a climate change that we may have been causing through our activities, our use of fossil fuels and so on and so on and so on. I don't know, but there is a possibility, a very distinct possibility, or even a probability, that if we continue acting the way we do, then increasingly devastating events are going to... to happen and that will certainly endanger the future of life on our planet, and it's a future for quite a long time. Well, we don't know, but I think those are possibilities that we have to keep in mind and we can only hope that those who are responsible for the leadership of the human species will have... exert... exert enough responsibility and enough wisdom to prevent those disasters from taking place.