You know, strangely enough, people didn't do it because they didn't... they weren't engineers and so they didn't make that semiconductor line to measure the proteins. But I think... I think once that line gets built, whether it's from my efforts or somebody else's efforts, then there's lots of people that will step in and learn how to use it for health. And so I think that's a revolution that's coming along that's going to be very exciting. It will be as exciting as genetics has been. Of course, genetics is very exciting right now, too. And so being able to manipulate the genes, that's like changing the order code. That's also going to be a very exciting way. But those two things will work together and we'll get much better control over health. So this may be my halfway-point interview. I'm optimistic. I could live until 120 if some of these techniques work. So that's one area, you know, if I had another lifetime, I'd work on that.
There's another one which I know even less about, but I'm really convinced that there's something great to be done there, which is in the area of economics, trying to understand economic interactions. I think there's a fundamental flaw in the way that it's been formulated. And the flaw is in how time is created. If you think of something as fundamental as, say, an interest rate. Well, the rate assumes something about time. Now time made sense when it was physical time. So let's say in the early days of agriculture, I might borrow money to plant a crop and the crop would take a certain amount of time to grow or buy a cow so that it would have calves, and the calves, or the growth of the crop, was kind of the interest on my capital. And so there was a sort of a natural interest rate that came from the physical processes of time passing. But most of our transactions these days are not like that. So for example, if I'm using money to do arbitrage on trading stocks, well the rate at which I can make money with that money depends on how fast he stocks are trading, how fast I can make trades. That's all controlled by technical things about how computers work and transmission lines work and so on. If I make a faster transmission line between two exchanges, in some sense, the rate of time speeds up. Well, does it make sense for the interest rate to stay the same when the rate of time just speeded up? So in fact, there's many different kinds of time for different purposes that make sense. So I think re-examining time in economics is something that would really change it and hasn't been done yet. So there's a... if I had, you know... if I could clone myself, one of me would go off and sort of reformulate economics with a kind of more relativistic idea of time, not ignoring this concept of time and assuming that it was just a given, that the time is somehow created by the system.