The reason my mother was so keen to get me out was that my father was number three on Hitler's blacklist after Churchill and Anthony Eden, and he... my mother had this sort of nightmare that when... that he would invade. Everybody knew that there would be an invasion – that I remember very well. The question was not, are they going to invade, it's when? Are they going to invade next week or are they going to invade the week after? You know, we were really on our toes waiting for this. And my mother had this theory that if they did come, that the first thing they would do is kidnap me and hold me as hostage for my father's good behaviour, and every time he did something he shouldn't have, they'd pull out another one of my toenails or something. And so she had... this became a fixation and so she had to get me out, so she got me out very, very quickly. And I went to Long Island where I lived with Mr and Mrs William S Paley. And Mr William S Paley was very, very big noise indeed. He was the founder president of Columbia Broadcasting, which I think by this time was the biggest broadcasting company. And he was enormously rich and had this wonderful house in Long Island with swimming pools, tennis courts, I mean whole works, you know. And there I lived for my next half-dozen school holidays.