The Next Man, which I did, I mean, to keep working and make money and because I had... should I say? Oh well, what does it matter? I had fallen madly in love with someone on Taxi Driver and I needed... and I was running away with her, and most of this movie was going to be done in Europe and... an in Morocco, so I said I would do the movie if they would take her as the still woman, and she was a very, very good still woman, and in fact, she was so good that when we came back to New York they hired a still man... unionist still man but they kept her on and just told the still man to go and do things and let Amy take pictures because she really was... was and is talented at it... very talented at it... so we ran away and ran away to everywhere, to Ireland and England and France and Austria and Morocco. Well, anyway, other than that, the movie, other than the... my sort of insane romance, the movie is a completely forgettable movie with Sean Connery. Sean Connery is an Arab chieftain as I remember, with a heavy Scots accent and they never quite explained why he had a heavy Scots accent when he was all dressed up in burnooses and things. I think they made some mild stab at it but I can't remember what it was – that he'd been to school in Edinburgh or something; I don't know.