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Born at the meeting point of diagonals

Born at the meeting point of diagonals
Julia Hartwig Poet
Next Views Duration
1. Born at the meeting point of diagonals 321 03:34
2. My brother Walenty, the 'father of endocrinology' 150 00:54
3. A hostile reception in Paris 149 01:19
4. My brother Edward, the photographer 111 01:18
5. 'Jula the poet' 126 01:21
6. Exposed to culture from an early age 79 02:22
7. Learning French 110 01:26
8. My first meeting with Czesław Miłosz 149 02:06
9. Secret schooling in Warsaw 75 04:34
10. Lublin, the cultural hub 75 02:47
11. Cultural life in Warsaw during the occupation 70 01:19
12. The hazardous streets of Warsaw 78 02:46
13. Facing danger as a courier 67 01:22
14. Escape from the Gestapo 102 04:43
15. Literary activity after the war 47 01:41
16. Refugees from Russia 62 01:29
17. Łódź, the cultural capital of Poland 62 02:43
18. The literary company in Łódź 44 02:00
19. A new life beckons 47 03:45
20. Crossing the Vistula under a hail of bullets 81 00:55
21. How Edward survived Siberia 68 03:46
22. Making the most of living in Paris 64 04:13
23. A permanent seat in the Bibliothèque Nationale 60 03:14
24. Adventures with Apollinaire 133 02:02
25. Evenings in the cinema 59 01:42
26. Working in the embassy in Paris 57 05:23
27. Holidays in France 62 02:43
28. I meet Ksawery Pruszyński 159 01:30
29. As one door closes, another opens 82 03:55
30. Making friends with Jerzy Turowicz 64 01:18
31. New life in the new Polish reality 53 01:34
32. Artur Międzyrzecki 101 03:55
33. Censored correspondence 35 01:54
34. Joining the PEN Club 42 01:27
35. Friendship with Monika Żeromska 118 00:51
36. Among other writers 44 00:32
37. Hard times bring out the best in people 60 01:49
38. Martial law 63 01:48
39. Shooting at civilians 46 00:46
40. Enforced social stagnation 34 02:32
41. Waiting to leave Poland 43 05:35
42. Settling in in America 65 04:19
43. Life on Long Island 65 01:45
44. Getting to know America 43 03:54
45. The literary fruit of my time in America 36 02:48
46. Happy days on Long Island 47 04:06
47. What about going back to Poland? 60 00:56
48. Coming back to martial law 36 01:10
49. Does political freedom deter good writing? 35 02:25
50. A year without my husband 68 00:56
51. Preparing the anthology of American poets 33 01:11
52. A constant fiesta in Paris 45 01:05
53. The literary underground 33 01:15
54. Literary café culture 35 03:43
55. Afternoon tea at the Słonimskis 39 01:36
56. Herbert's attack on Słonimski 47 02:24
57. Herbert and Miłosz 75 02:10
58. No one had an unblemished past 48 02:20
59. Political divisions among writers 36 02:37
60. Keeping Słonimski company 29 01:02
61. After martial law 33 02:45
62. Our admiration of Iwaszkiewicz 43 06:42
63. Friends in the opposition 41 02:53
64. International connections 28 04:20
65. My prose poetry 32 03:35
66. Poetry Readings: Victoria 82 01:44
67. Poetry Readings: A Procession 41 00:49
68. Poetry Readings: On the Road 36 01:03
69. Poetry Readings: Classmates 54 00:50
70. Poetry Readings: Yet we desire it above all 69 01:00
71. Poetry Readings: For you Europe 59 01:05
72. Poetry Readings: The Gift of Mediation 68 01:25
73. Poetry Readings: Mavericks heretics spoilers 27 00:28
74. Poetry Readings: Seated woman 176 01:23
75. Poetry Readings: Philemon and Baucis 64 01:05
76. Poetry Readings: It is also this 52 00:34
77. Poetry Readings: He doesn't know 60 00:24
78. Poetry Readings: Sharks 42 00:24
79. Poetry Readings: Ghosts 75 00:45
80. Poetry Readings: Maurice 102 01:42
81. Poetry Readings: Under This Island 58 01:11
82. Konstanty Jeleński 64 04:27
83. Kot's gift of friendship 30 03:36
84. Kot's friends 24 04:16
85. My work with Artur Międzyrzecki 35 00:38
86. Writing children's literature 29 02:05
87. Inspiring diaries 26 01:28
88. The Church comes to our aid 25 02:15
89. Winning awards 16 03:34
90. The resurrection of Polish society 51 01:09
91. Artur's influence on the PEN Club 34 01:46
92. Translating Hungarian poetry 22 01:52
93. Getting along with Italians 41 03:44
94. Entertaining notable guests 21 05:11
95. Painting is my passion 43 06:07
96. Favourite American painters 43 00:47
97. My love for music 48 01:53
98. Lutosławski 33 03:25
99. Brodski 63 00:42
100. 'A moment can be enjoyed, too' 55 02:00
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