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The future of comic books


If I wasn't a comic book writer...
Stan Lee Writer
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If I weren't… if I hadn't been doing comic books, there are so many things I would have enjoyed doing. When I was a kid I wanted to be a lawyer, ’cause I saw a movie, I think it starred John Barrymore. He played a great mouthpiece, and he was just making this argument in court, and he swayed the jury, and he was so dramatic and persuasive. As a kid, I didn't realize all of the reading and studying, and the dull work that lawyers have to do. But I think I basically always really wanted to be an actor, because to me, being a lawyer was being an actor, standing in front of a jury and making an impassioned speech. Doing this little interview now is like being an actor. You're a captive audience. I can go on and on, you've got to listen. This is great. I loved lecturing for the same reason. I was so… I'm always so happy when I'm on a lecture platform, and people are always worried that I'm getting tired, or you know, that's enough, we ought to cut the questions and answer period short. I hate them for it. I'd like to stay all day and do those questions and answers. So… and when I do these little cameo roles for our movies, I'm always thinking in back of my mind, don't they see how good I am? Why don't they give me a real role? What's the matter with them? So I… I would love to be, I would have loved to be an actor, and funny thing, I'd still love to do it. Why should Sean Connery get all the good older men roles?

The creative genius of American writer, Stan Lee (1922-2018) brought us 'Spider Man', 'X-Men' and 'The Hulk'. They climbed tall buildings and fought the bad guys, but had normal worries too, about love, acceptance and family. Readers loved them and Marvel Comics, with Lee at the helm, went on to become hugely successful. In 2010 the Stan Lee Foundation was founded to focus on literacy, education and the arts. On January 4, 2011 Lee received the 2428th star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Listeners: Leo Bear

Leo Bear is a Hollywood-based features writer. Her background is in news and features writing. Leo spent five years on the entertainment newsdesk at BBC Worldwide before going freelance and moving out to Los Angeles. She specialises in writing lifestyle features, celebrity interviews, health stories and travel features for publications including Eve Magazine, OK! Magazine, Total Film, TV Hits and Conde Nast Gourmet Travel Guide.

Tags: John Barrymore, Sean Connery

Duration: 1 minute, 38 seconds

Date story recorded: April 2006

Date story went live: 24 January 2008