Living with my mother in the Vanna Venturi house (Part 2)
Living with my mother in the Vanna Venturi house (Part 2)
[RV] We moved into the house… we moved in… my mother and I moved together into the house, I was still a bachelor, on April 1st 1940 and… no, 1964, I’m sorry. In 1964, and in 1964 I was… I was born in 1925 so that meant I was…
[DSB] 29.
[RV] 39.
[DSB] 39, that’s right.
[RV] 39, when I moved in. So yeah, architects get… you know, architects… it’s an old man’s profession, you get to start… you get to do your work late in life. If you’re a painter you can paint, you might be starving but you can still paint. When you’re an architect and you get the building built you have to do it… you have to… you get to do it late.
Internationally renowned architects Robert Venturi (1925-2018) and Denise Scott Brown (b.1931) have helped transform contemporary design through their innovative architecture and planning. Winners of numerous prestigious awards, their designs have championed multiculturalism, social activism, symbolism, pop culture, history and evolving technologies.
Title: Living with my mother in the Vanna Venturi house (Part 1)
Listeners: Thomas Hughes
Thomas Hughes is Mellon Professor Emeritus of the History of Science at the University of Pennsylvania and Distinguished Visiting Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His most recent books include Human Built World, Rescuing Prometheus and American Genesis. He is a member of the American Philosophical Society, US National Academy of Engineering, Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Duration: 50 seconds
Date story recorded: 22nd to 23rd September 2006
Date story went live: 27 May 2010