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A job offer from Yale


Travelling around the world
Tomas Venclova Poet
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Ir turiu pasakyti, kad per trisdešimts su viršum metų Vakaruose, esu apkeliavęs apie šimtą valstybių. Beveik visas kiek jų yra pasaulyje: Kinijoj, pavyzdžiui, buvau daugiau kaip mėnesį, Indijoj daugiau kaip mėnesį, Japonijoj du kartus, Australijoj du kartus ir taip toliau, ir taip toliau. O Europoj, tokioj Italijoj, pavyzdžiui, ar Prancūzijoj, esu buvęs ir po dešimt ir po penkioliką kartų, ir pažįstu tuos kraštus gana gerai. Na, vat tiktai tiek, jeigu aš noriu prabangos, tai man tik tokia prabanga būtent, kad aš galėčiau nuvažiuoti kur panorėjęs ir pamatyti tų kraštų architektūrą, pamatyti tų kraštų miestus, muziejus, štai kas mane domina. Florencija, Venecija, Neapolis, Graikija ir taip toliau. Nu, Europoj jau nelikę kraštų, išskyrus, Kiprą, dar nesu buvęs Kipre ir Kosove, o šiaip jau visur. Pernai dar sakydavau, kad nesu buvęs Maltoje, bet pereitą vasarą jau su žmona suvažinėjome ir į Maltą, kur, tarp kitko, labai rekomenduoju, labai įdomus kraštas. Sala Viduržemio jūroje.

And I have to say that over 30 years plus in the West I've been to about a hundred countries, to almost all the countries there are in the world. I was in China, for example, for more than a month, in India for more than a month, in Australia twice and so on and so on. And in Europe, Italy for example, or France, I've been 10 or 15 times and know those countries quite well. Well, that's the extent of it. If I want luxury, that's the only luxury I want, to be able to go where I want and to see the architecture of those countries, to see the towns, museums of those countries, that's what interests me: Florence, Venice, Naples, Greece and so on. Well, there are no countries left in Europe, apart from Cyprus – I haven't been to Cyprus and Kosovo, otherwise everywhere else. Last year I was still saying that I hadn't been to Malta but last summer I went with my wife to Malta as well, which, by the way, I very much recommend, it's a very interesting country – an island in the Mediterranean Sea.

Born in 1937, Tomas Venclova is a Lithuanian scholar, poet, author and translator of literature. He was educated at Vilnius University and later at Tartu University. As an active participant in the dissident movement he was deprived of Soviet citizenship in 1977 and had to emigrate. Between 1977 and 1980 he lectured at University of California, Berkeley, where he became friends with the Polish poet Czesław Miłosz, who was a professor of Slavic Languages and Literature at the school, as well as the Russian poet Joseph Brodsky. He is currently a full professor at Yale University.

Listeners: Andrzej Wolski

Film director and documentary maker, Andrzej Wolski has made around 40 films since 1982 for French television, the BBC, TVP and other TV networks. He specializes in portraits and in historical films. Films that he has directed or written the screenplay for include Kultura, which he co-directed with Agnieszka Holland, and KOR which presents the history of the Worker’s Defence Committee as told by its members. Andrzej Wolski has received many awards for his work, including the UNESCO Grand Prix at the Festival du Film d’Art.

Tags: China, Europe, Malta

Duration: 1 minute, 10 seconds

Date story recorded: May/June 2011

Date story went live: 20 March 2012