Citizens Movement of Democratic Action
Citizens Movement of Democratic Action
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Views | Duration | |
61. Playing the political game | 13 | 04:24 | |
62. Defining the political field | 1 | 12 | 03:33 |
63. The complex relationship between democracy and the Church in... | 10 | 03:03 | |
64. Jeffrey Sachs | 17 | 01:04 | |
65. Citizens Movement of Democratic Action | 10 | 02:16 | |
66. Anti-political politics | 12 | 02:19 | |
67. Changing party leaders | 11 | 01:46 | |
68. The Stefan Batory Foundation | 15 | 04:00 | |
69. Practising politics and protecting my family | 12 | 01:50 | |
70. Enjoying life on the global academic circuit | 12 | 02:00 |
Pamiętam, w sprawach gospodarczych też to nie była domena , którą ja się zajmowałem, natomiast wtedy pasjonujące było spotkanie z Jeffem Sachsem, który jest dzisiaj częściowo zapomniany. Tylko skrajna prawica go przypomina w takiej mitycznej, spiskowej wizji historii, że to on razem z Sorosem w istocie załatwili Polskę, czyli innymi słowy, narzucili te straszne warunki kolonialne. Język skrajnej lewicy został przyjęty częściowo przez prawicę. Natomiast ja pamiętam, jak on robił obchody od czasu do czasu, a wtedy kiedy były jakieś ważne sprawy, które on uważał, że należy załatwić, to wtedy przychodził ze swoim komputerkiem. Wtedy laptopy były jeszcze prawie że nie znane zupełnie. On miał taki laptop, przychodził z laptopem i miał agendę, mówił o kolejnych rzeczach, które należałoby zrobić.
I remember that in matters relating to the economy, that too, wasn’t an area I was involved in, but there was a fascinating meeting with Jeffrey Sachs. Jeffrey Sachs, who is mostly forgotten today with only the far right remembering him in their mythical, conspiratorial vision of history where he, along with George Soros, landed Poland in a mess by imposing these terrible colonial conditions; the language of the extreme left was partly taken over by the right. But I remember how he used to do rounds from time to time when there was something important going on that he felt he should be monitoring, and then he would turn up with his little computer. At that time, laptops were practically unheard of; he had a laptop and would arrive with it and he had an agenda, he spoke about the things that needed to be done.
Aleksander Smolar (b. 1940) is a Polish writer, political activist and adviser, vice-president of the Institute for Human Sciences and president of the Stefan Batory Foundation.
Title: Jeffrey Sachs
Listeners: Vitek Tracz
Vitek Tracz is a London-based entrepreneur who has been involved in science publishing, pharmaceutical information and mobile phone-based navigation.
Tags: Jeffrey Sachs, George Soros
Duration: 1 minute, 4 seconds
Date story recorded: September 2017
Date story went live: 09 November 2018