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Working with foreign directors
Raoul Coutard Film-maker
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[Q] Rares sont les chefs opérateurs français qui ont pu travailler aux Etats-Unis, tu as essayé toi?

Moi on m'a proposé un jour de faire un film, j'ai pas voulu parce que... Toujours à cause de cette... J'étais dans une phase sûrement quand on m'a proposé où je disais... Faut avoir un langage fluent pour faire... J'ai pas voulu, non.

[Q] Tu te souviens de ce que c'était?

J'arrive pas à me souvenir de ce que c'était.

[Q] Tu ne t'en souviens pas?

Je me souviens d'ailleurs aussi qu'un des Japonais m'avait demandé aussi... Alors là j'ai dit non parce que je me voyais pas...

[Q] Un autre Japonais?

Oui, oui.

[Q] A part Oshima, tu te souviens pas du nom?

Ah c'est pas Oshima. Non, non, c'était un des deux autres cadors, je me souviens plus qui c'était.

[Q] Few are the French cinematographers who were able to work in the United States, did you try?

I was once offered to do a film, I didn't want to because... Still because of this... I must have been going through a phase when it was offered to me when I thought you must be fluent in the language to do it. I didn't want to, no.

[Q] Do you remember what it was?

I can't remember what it was.

[Q] You don't remember it?

In fact, I remember also that there was a Japanese director who had also asked me to work with him. So then I said no because I couldn't imagine myself...

[Q] Another Japanese?

Yes, yes.

[Q] Not Oshima? Do you remember his name?

No, it wasn't Oshima. No, no, it was one of the two heavyweights, I don't remember who it was.

French cinematographer, Raoul Coutard (1924-2016) was twice nominated for the César Award for best cinematography which he won in 1978 for 'Le Crabe-tambour'. He made over 75 films and documentaries, including 'À Bout de Souffle', Le Mépris' and 'Band à Part'. He was the most acclaimed French cinematographer of his generation and one of the key figures of the New Wave.

Listeners: Bernard Cohn

Bernard Cohn est un réalisateur et écrivain français, ayant réalisé cinq film ainsi que de nombreux reportages et séries télévisées. En tant qu'assistant réalisateur, il a travaillé avec plusieurs grands cinéastes, notamment Luis Buñuel, François Truffaut, Otto Preminger et Woody Allen. Il fut membre fondateur du ciné-club Ciné-Qua-Non et a participé à la rédaction et traduction en anglais, de plusieurs ouvrages sur le cinéma.

Benard Cohn is a French filmmaker and writer, who has directed five films as well as numerous documentaries and television series. As an assistant director, he worked with many important filmmakers, including Luis Buñuel, François Jacob, Otto Preminger and Woody Allen. He was a founding member of the Ciné-Qua-Non cinema club and has acted as editor and translator for various publications on the world of cinema.

Tags: directing, collaboration

Duration: 44 seconds

Date story recorded: October 2004

Date story went live: 24 January 2008